Are you thinking what we're thinking?


Expect nothing and everything above that will feel like success! But is that truly a standard you want to live by? Do you want to “lower the bar” that much? Maybe you do. But first ask yourself if you are operating with a set of personal standards or if you’re assigning unfair expectations to yourself or others. What’s the difference? Standards are habits that you can control by taking action toward your desired results. Expectations are what we think SHOULD happen or what we really WANT to happen based on those actions. But if you have an idea what COULD / MIGHT happen based your actions but stay focused on the quality of those actions instead of the outcome then you quite possibly avoid disappointment, hence less unhappiness or frustration.

Often expectations are not inline with reality. Our reality is created by our perception of our circumstances. Unless we acknowledge accurately what those are then we may be fruitlessly hoping for outcomes or results that just can’t happen, and that leads to disappointment (check out this short article for more on that).

Knowing your instructor for even a short time you’ve probably come to realize we try to perform at a standard that fulfills us personally while also providing you a satisfying training experience. We are the kind of people that set a goal of reaching 101, not just 100, because we believe we can always do a little more than the time before. We realize not everyone operates that way, and that is A-OKAY! You are who you are and you don’t have to be any other way. However, when getting involved with a hobby, managing people like employees or your own children, or reaching for personal goals, then adjustments may have to be made for a better personal experience.

For now we’re going to address your child’s (most points below also apply for adult students) LEVEL 3 At-Home martial arts training program that is designed to help bring normalcy, stress-relief, progress, and fun directly to your home through our live-stream Zoom-powered classes. Do great minds think alike?


Expectation:  My child SHOULD be adjusted to their new Zoom martial arts training program by now.

Reality:  No they shouldn’t. It could take them a month or more. Think of the normalcy ratio here: even if your child is just 3 years old you must remember they’ve grown for 3 years inside of a reality where they got to interact with the world around them - being near other kids, going places, experiencing new things. Right now, they are at home, with the same people, and may only be doing some of the same things but even those in a whole new way - online. Two weeks out of the 156 weeks they’ve been alive is a grain of sand on a beach. They have not adjusted yet. Have you?  Use the Zoom classes to continue some semblance of normalcy for your family. Holding to a consistent routine may or may not be easy but is ALWAYS VALUABLE! Use the classes as an outlet for your child to relieve stress that they cannot, or will not, verbalize. Martial arts is a time for them to mentally escape into something positive and productive versus getting lost on YouTube or Netflix (which they can always do after their training - even your Sensei enjoys a good flashy brain stimulation here and there).

Expectation: My child is old enough that they SHOULD have the discipline to do this on their own without having to be told / reminded. 

Reality:  HA HA - GOOD ONE! No they are not. This is an unusual time for all. We are all distracted. Everyone needs reminders and a bit of help (hence our weekly email reminders about your online classes). Besides, there are probably areas where our own discipline as parents may also lack. So it’s okay they are not 100% independent of your guidance right now and need that “kick in the pants” to do the right thing.  Besides, once they are 100% independent you know you're going to miss the attention!

Expectation: I SHOULDN'T have to “baby sit” them during class.

Reality:  Don’t baby sit! Participate with them by physically doing the class along side them or just observe and verbally encouraging them while they train. Everyone likes having a partner - try it out!

Expectation: My child SHOULD always want to attend every class without struggle (and wear their uniform too).

Reality:  Nope! Aren’t there days you don’t feel like doing something even though you like doing it?  If your child doesn't want to jump up and train after what possibly could’ve have been a day of doing nothing or even doing a lot then at least have them login and just watch. Chances are they’ll see something they want to try and get up at least for a minute or two. Also maybe make your planned martial arts days void of any other screen-time if possible. If your Little Leopard or Tiny Tiger resists the uniform then at least try to tie their belt around their waist - forget the rest. It is possible that when returning to class in-person they may continue to resist the uniform which isn’t possible at the Dojo. But for now it’s okay - make life as easy as possible on them. Reminder: our classes are recorded so you can view them anytime you want using the links we email you every week!

Expectation:  My child SHOULD show the same amount of respected and self-control at home when training as they would in the Dojo.

Reality:  That’d be awesome, wouldn’t it? The truth is we are always more comfortable and free at home to do as we please, as we should be. But what could help is have your child “check-in” their toys, cell phones, or anything else that could distract them until class is done. Create a specific practice area using items like pillows or chairs to outline the area. Don’t allow siblings or anything else to interrupt or distract. Have them suited-up in full uniform. Look the part, think the part, be the part.

Expectation: My child SHOULD learn just as well as they would in person. If they don’t then it’s not worth it.

Reality: Try again! Everyone learns different ways. These classes probably aren’t going to help you learn in the same capacity as in person. But the sole purpose of these classes right now is for normalcy, fun, social activity, stress relief, and to help bring variety to your new daily lifestyle.

Expectation: This situation is temporary and will be over SOON.

Reality: Yes, it’s temporary. But what is your expectation of soon? We have to be careful we aren’t tricking ourselves into thinking the world will be status quo May 1, 2020, or whenever, like nothing ever happened.  Even when the “stay at home” initiative is over there’s going to need to be a period of transition that could still feel limited and different than what we truly want. What if we had to be at home for another two months?  Have long have you mentally prepared yourself to endure? Maybe over-plan, that way when things get back to normal sooner you are pleasantly surprised instead of disappointed.

We make our online classes as fun and interactive as possible. Our goal is to provide a feeling of inclusion and togetherness more than anything. Be sure that you’ve downloaded all the resources from our website you need (rank requirement chart, goal challenge, and coloring pages) to help your child succeed in their martial arts and daily life. Visit Ask your instructor for your login password if needed.