For 27+ years I’ve had the pleasure of introducing thousands of women to the life-changing benefits of martial arts training through private and group lessons and also one-time workshops / seminars. I appreciate every one of them for seeking the skills to be safer, more confident, and more capable, no matter if they only attended a one-time seminar or trained with me for weeks/months/years. “Some is better than none”, right? When it comes to these seminars that’s not always true because…

  1. It can give a false sense of security…

  2. It promotes the idea of a quick fix for a problem that is NOT a quickfix…

  3. Often times what was taught will be forgotten within a day or two.

The biggest benefit, admittedly a great benefit, of these seminars is they can give a small taste of what martial arts training is like to those who are too intimidated to seek out a training program on their own. Essentially a seminar is a big INTRODUCTION class that is often times designed for fun, to peak your interest, and to entice enrollments. Honestly, that is totally okay by me. If that’s what gets someone to enroll into a regular course of training then the self-defense seminar was helpful! However most seminar attendees won’t even purchase a trial package (even though they should) for more classes at the end of a seminar.

It is possible, though, to gain a couple essential self-defense skills in a short amount of time, but most likely not seminar-short. For instance, at our studio we offer a 10-class private lesson program that prepares you to conquer your most feared scenario. We also offer ongoing training through our level 1 fundamentals curriculum that equips you with effective self-defense skills for today’s most common self-defense scenarios. Even just 20 classes can create a confident level of capability. Bottom line, any amount of self-defense training is good. But its the consistent practice over time that will get you home safe.

All that being said, we will always provide top quality self-defense seminars around the community at your request to help create a safer and stronger community for all! We invite you to join us a for a FREE private lesson anytime so we can give you a taste of what you’ll learn in the next 10 classes, or beyond! Click here to schedule!

Eric Perlman