What does #LEVEL3LIFE mean for your Pre-teen / Teen?

We’re often asked what sort of philosophy or mindset do we teach to our youth students. Its a fair and important question. If you’re a parent its essential to know the kind of attitude and ideas your child will be adopting in a martial arts program. Below is a letter we recently gave to our JMA class. We develop people, not just martial artists.

To my fellow Martial Artists & Humans - the Junior Martial Athletes,

Each day we have the opportunity to train together I am grateful. The focus and effort you bring along with the smiles and welcoming attitude towards each other and new members is what makes the LEVEL 3 experience positive for all involved. Your decision to perform your best in each class is why you will succeed in the martial arts and beyond. This is #level3life.

However, you will experience many challenges in life - you may have already or even might currently be experiencing some. But know that all the challenges that seem like they’re forever, larger than you, tough, or scary will eventually be conquered. But until that day, know that you don’t need to go it alone. Your family, friends, and dojo team are always here for you. This is #level3life.

As you journey through your school year you’ll have to make several choices daily.  Always seek the choices that never cause harm to yourself or others - choose to help yourself and others. When you can offer a teacher help in the classroom - DO IT, ask another student “are you okay” - DO IT, include someone in your activity or group - DO IT, stand up for someone - DO  IT! The smallest act of kindness and empathy can change a person’s ENTIRE world for the better. Wouldn’t you appreciate it if someone did that for you? This is #level3life.

Everyone has their own private battles to face. Maybe its a tough home situation and the only way they know how to relieve that stress is by treating others badly or acting out causing emotional or physical harm to themselves or someone else. Maybe they are being bullied online or offline and are too embarrassed or scared to talk about it. Maybe they just need someone to listen to them but they don’t feel like anyone cares enough to do so. Maybe this is you? Don’t judge, look for ways to help. This is #level3life.

It’s easy to get swept up social media trends or in-person peer pressure. Its easy to worry about your physical appearance, compare yourself to others, put others down so you feel better about yourself. But the way we rise above the negativity is by having the courage to avoid negativity and stand up for what we know is right, not just for others, but for what’s good for ourselves. Nothing will make you trust yourself and believe in yourself more. This is #level3life.

Above everything else know that you are invaluable and irreplaceable to your family, friends, community, LEVEL 3, and this world. Believe in yourself and your family and live with excellent character:

  • Be kind to yourself and others, always.

  • Help others in need.

  • Perform random acts of kindness.

  • Empathize with others.

  • If you have nothing nice to say then don’t say anything at all. Or look for the smallest compliment you can give and try that!

  • Be courageous - stand up for what you know is right. Its never the wrong time to do the right thing.

  • Learn to say “NO” to anything unhealthy for your mind, body, or spirit.

  • Always tell the truth, even when you make a mistake - own it.

  • Tell your family you love them. Because they love you.

  • Never compare yourself to others - comparison is the thief of joy.

  • Be willing to make unpopular tough decisions that you know are the right decisions even if you lose a “friend” over it. Real friends won’t be lost.

  • Recognize bullying, stand up for someone, then report it to your parents, teachers and Sensei.

  • Establish boundaries - dont let negativity follow you anywhere, especially in your home.

  • Ask for help from your family, teachers, and Sensei ANYTIME you need it.

  • This is #level3life.

Yours in the martial arts, community, and life,

Master Eric Perlman